One Lovely Blog Award

Thank you to Fabwritings for nominating me for this award.  It means a lot to be nominated and I am very touched by this.  Please visit Fabwritings blog and check out some amazing posts!


OK so here it goes! Seven facts about myself:

  1. I am extremely fond of writing and loving the amazing support from everyone on this blog.
  2. I am proud to be a mum.
  3. I can never stick to a diet! (LOL)
  4. My favourite colour is purple.
  5. I am left-handed.
  6. I love reading.
  7. And lastly, I watch at least one episode of ‘Friends’ everyday.

I would like to nominate the following bloggers for this award as I believe they truly deserve it:


Arti Tyagi

Frank Prem


Jackie Paulson

Thank you once again for all the support given and to Fabwritings for nominating me 🙂

About blogmylife86

I am a new young mum to a beautiful baby girl. I have a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry but have a passion for writing. Whilst on maternity leave I have been working on this website and I am proud to say it is now ready to go live.
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8 Responses to One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Fab Writings says:

    Glad that you did it!
    May I know your name?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Gama says:


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Arti Tyagi says:

    Congratulations! You deserve it! And thank you for nominating me!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: One Lovely Blog Award! – Fab Writings

  5. TheViperPit says:

    Thank you for the nomination! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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