Depth – Swimming

Swimming – a favourite hobby of mine from such a young age. A hobby that I have been doing since my parents dunked me in the water at the tender age of 6 months old but recently in the last couple of years I have not kept it up. Although whenever I do get the opportunity to go swimming, be it on holiday or at a spa resort I always get that fear of the deep end, how deep is it? Will my feet be able to touch the bottom? Will I drown? The fear of depth.

That scary feeling, no matter how good I am at swimming that I won’t be able to save myself should I drown and try to fight my way up. The depth of the pool or the ocean that could engulf you and you would never be found again. But you try and go forward.

The feeling of trying something known but unknown gives me that exhilarating feeling, that adrenaline rush. You go towards the deep end, you test the waters, you hang around a little bit in one area and then go a bit more further. That feeling that you know you’re in control but at any moment if you’re not careful enough you could lose control.

Should you feel like that for every moment in your life? Try everything out even if you’re scared? Just keep going even though you don’t know what the outcome would be? I know on quite a few occasions in my life I’ve tried testing the waters and sometimes I went for it and plunged myself into the deep end and sometimes I just backed away. But maybe we should all just go for it and go towards the deep end in life. For when it comes to swimming, once you’ve gone to the deep end, turned around and made your way back to the shallow end you feel accomplished and proud that you went there. Maybe that is how you would feel if it was applied for every situation in our life that feeling of accomplishment and being proud.

Let’s try it, test the waters for you never know, it might just give you that push that you always needed.

About blogmylife86

I am a new young mum to a beautiful baby girl. I have a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry but have a passion for writing. Whilst on maternity leave I have been working on this website and I am proud to say it is now ready to go live.
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